Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action (EEO/AA) Employer

Hercules Construction is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action (EEO/AA) employer, and our policies and programs are part of our broader commitment to creating an inclusive workplace that supports and celebrates our diversity. The behaviors outlined in these policies are core to Hercules Construction values, and they also are required under our Code of Conduct and the law. Every employee is expected to comply with these policies. Hercules Construction HR Policy & Compliance organization manages the overall responsibility for EEO/AA policies and programs.

Our policies are intended to make sure applicants and employees are treated fairly and have equal opportunities in all aspects of employment (such as recruiting, hiring, training, development opportunities, promotions, pay and benefits, social or recreational events), regardless of personal characteristics or status,such as:

  • race or ethnicity
  • age
  • color
  • disability (mental or physical)
  • sex
  • medical condition
  • gender
  • veteran status
  • pregnancy
  • military status
  • national origin
  • sexual orientation
  • citizenship
  • gender identity or gender expression
  • ancestry
  • marital status or family status
  • religion or religious creed
  • genetic information

Our policy also covers and complies with state and local laws which prohibit discrimination or harassment based on other personal characteristics not specifically identified above, such as height, weight and caregiver status.

Our policies apply any time an employee is performing his or her job, regardless of location (company locations; customer worksites; company-sponsored or customer-sponsored business, recreational or social functions) or where any such conduct would adversely affect Hercules Construction reputation. Third parties, such as vendors, contractors or customers, must behave in accordance with this policy whenever they conduct business with Hercules Construction.

In addition to providing equal opportunity, Hercules Construction seeks to provide a workplace environment that is free of harassment, discrimination or retaliation by any employee, manager or third party. As an EEO/AA employer, Hercules Construction:

  • Prohibits discrimination based on the characteristics listed above
  • Prohibits harassment, such as insulting comments, name-calling, stereotyping and jokes, based on the characteristics listed above
  • Prohibits retaliation against anyone who reports discrimination or harassment or participates in aninvestigation
  • Takes affirmative action to build a workforce that reflects the diversity of qualified people who areavailable in the labor market
  • Provides reasonable accommodations to applicants or employees with disabilities or sincerely held religious beliefs

Employee Responsibilities

While at work or engaged in company business, you are expected to fully support our EEO/AA policy and:

  • Do not engage in or encourage harassment, discrimination, insulting comments, name- calling,stereotyping and jokes about people’s personal
  • Discuss questions or concerns about your treatment or a coworker’s behavior with your manager or a Human Resources representative.
  • Cooperate fully with any discrimination or harassment
  • Refrain from any kind of retaliation against any individual who has reported any improper conduct, or who has cooperated with an investigation.

All complaints about a violation of our company’s equal opportunity policy will be investigated and result in appropriate corrective action.

Complaints and investigations will be kept strictly confidential to the maximum extent possible. We expect you to cooperate fully with any investigation, whether you have reported the potentially harassing or discriminatory behavior, been accused of the behavior or witnessed the behavior.


Every employee is encouraged to report any concerns of discrimination or harassment without fear of retaliation.Our policy prohibits any and all forms of retaliation, harassment, intimidation, threats, coercion or discrimination because an individual:

  • Complained of discrimination or harassment
  • Assisted or participated in an investigation, compliance review, hearing or other activity related to the administration of any anti- discrimination or harassment laws or policies
  • Opposed any act or practice made unlawful by any federal, state or local laws requiring equal opportunity oraffirmative action, or
  • Exercised any other right protected by equal employment opportunity or affirmative action laws